Quick facts about the Silverudd's Bla

  • Silverudd’s Blue (Isbar), Silverudd’s Bla, Blue Isbar or even Isbar Bla this breed have several known names, even if Isbar is actually a misnomer for this breed as they are not now nor have they ever been barred.

In one of their annual meeting, the Board of Directors and the Breed Coordinators made the decision to officially change the name of the Isbar Bla (Isbar Blue or Blue Isbar) to Silverudd’s Bla (Silverudd’s blue) -Silverudd’s to honor the man who did so much for Swedish breeds and Blue to describe the colour .

  • So now that we are set on the name we’ll use let’s start : Silverudd’s Bla are a rare and exotic imported bird from Sweden, created by Mr. Martin Silverudd in the 1970’s. This bird with plumage colored in Blue, Black and Splash. The Silverudd’s Bla is reported to have 75% Rhode Island Red and 25% New Hampshire, with Cream Legbar added for the blue egg gene. Some texts also suggest that the Swedish Leghorn may also have been used. No official description of this breed was filed before Mr. Martin Silverudd’s death in 1986 so there is no standard for this breed.  
  • Hen/Rooster weight : Hen 3.5 lbs/ rooster 5.5lbs
  • Eggs: 200-250 medium eggs per year. Eggs colour may vary from mint to moss green to blue
  • Hardiness: They are very hardy to both the cold and the heat. The only concern during bitter cold is frostbite on their single combs.
  • Behavior: Active
  • Type: Layer
  • Broody: Sometimes
  • Good city chicken: Yes